Air conditioning

Electrical Safety for Air Conditioning

A Good Climate for Reliable Operation

Air conditioning of data centers is an essential prerequisite for availability and operational safety. Data centers must maintain suitable conditions and temperatures for the critical equipment to remain functional and at peak performance. If there is too much hot air in a data center, the equipment can overheat, and irreversible malfunctions can occur. Because of this, the air conditioning system is considered critical to the electrical safety of the overall data center. Our ground fault protection and insulation monitoring devices help prevent electrical failures in data center air conditioning systems, reducing the risk of overheating and costly downtime. Technologies like residual current monitoring ensure continuous oversight of air conditioning systems, allowing early detection of electrical issues that could lead to overheating.

As a general rule, the cooling and air conditioning of data centers and server rooms aims to minimize the volume of air to cool. This is why the spaces in which data centers often reside is a smaller footprint than one might imagine. Outside of the server room itself, it is also essential to evaluate the number of additional heat sources within the facility, as these could also have an impact on the system's cooling system.  With line isolation monitors and ground fault protection, air conditioning systems in data centers are continuously monitored for electrical faults, maintaining reliable operations. A ground fault locator enables quick identification and resolution of electrical faults, minimizing disruptions to air conditioning operations in data centers.

While data centers can be costly and consume a tremendous amount of energy, it is vital to ensure all systems are set up in a way that maximizes efficiency. There is too much at risk if this is not done correctly. Even just a few years ago, the increasing integration and packing density for processors and telecommunication systems that generate high heat levels in such a small space would have been inconceivable. However, this is now possible thanks to advancements in air conditioning units and cooling technology.

A failure of the air conditioning, and subsequent possible overheating, is synonymous with fire risk, loss of irreplaceable resources, and loss of time and money. From this perspective, continuous monitoring with our RCMS series residual current monitoring systems (ground-fault monitors) is indispensable. With this technology, immediate recognition of hazardous changes in the power supply is possible. Implementing our monitoring technology increases the reliability of the air conditioning system that is necessary to the data center. Installing a power isolation transformer helps stabilize voltage levels, ensuring the safe and efficient operation of air conditioning systems. Bender’s insulation monitoring devices, paired with line isolation monitors, provide critical safety monitoring for air conditioning systems, preventing hazardous electrical faults.


Product Overview ISOMETER®/ISOSCAN® Product Overviews 5.3 MB EN2024/02/1616.02.2024
Product Overview - Residual Current Monitoring Product Overviews 6.3 MB EN2024/10/2929.10.2024
Data Centres Market Segment Brochures 2.1 MB EN2023/06/1616.06.2023
2020 Guidelines (US) Technical Information 1.9 MB EN2020/06/1515.06.2020
Overview Brochure Product Overviews 10.3 MB EN2023/10/0202.10.2023
Bender Industry Applications Market Segment Brochures 5.9 MB EN2024/09/0404.09.2024


Ground-Fault Monitoring for Grounded Systems

LINETRAXX® SmartDetect RCMS410

Four-channel DC, AC and pulse current sensitive residual current monitor for earthed AC, AC/DC and DC systems

LINETRAXX® RCMS460-D Blindspot®

Multi-channel AC/DC ground-fault monitor

LINETRAXX® RCMS490-D Blindspot®

Multi-channel AC/DC ground-fault monitor with individual relay outputs

Current Transformers


AC/DC sensitive measuring current transformer (Type B)

Ground-Fault Monitoring for Grounded Systems

LINETRAXX® SmartDetect RCMS410

Four-channel DC, AC and pulse current sensitive residual current monitor for earthed AC, AC/DC and DC systems

LINETRAXX® RCMS460-D Blindspot®

Multi-channel AC/DC ground-fault monitor

LINETRAXX® RCMS490-D Blindspot®

Multi-channel AC/DC ground-fault monitor with individual relay outputs


Current Transformers


AC/DC sensitive measuring current transformer (Type B)
