The RC48N ground-fault neutral-grounding monitor is used to monitor high-resistance grounded installations. The maximum ground fault current in these systems is limited by a neutral grounding resistor to 5 A, 15 A or 25 A .

The RC48N ground-fault neutral-grounding monitor combines three functions in one device:

  1. Monitoring of the residual current in the grounding conductor.
  2. Voltage monitoring between the transformer neutral and ground.
  3. Monitoring of the grounding resistor for continuity (NGR).

If a value is not within the thresholds, a relay with two voltage-free changeover contacts will be activated.

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The RC48N ground-fault neutral-grounding monitor is used to monitor high-resistance grounded installations. The maximum ground fault current in these systems is limited by a neutral grounding resistor to 5 A, 15 A or 25 A .

The RC48N ground-fault neutral-grounding monitor combines three functions in one device:

  1. Monitoring of the residual current in the grounding conductor.
  2. Voltage monitoring between the transformer neutral and ground.
  3. Monitoring of the grounding resistor for continuity (NGR).

If a value is not within the thresholds, a relay with two voltage-free changeover contacts will be activated.

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  • Ground-fault monitor for high-resistance grounded installations with a limited fault current of 5 - 25 A
  • Three-in-one functionality: Residual current, voltage and grounding resistor continuity
  • Measures the residual current by means of a Bender residual current transformer
  • Alarm easily recognizable by LED lights
  • Alarm relay with adjustable trip time
  • Measures resistance value and voltage drop of the NGR via coupling devices
  • Alarm easily recognizable by LED lights
  • The alarm relay can be used for the tripping of a load switch
  • Depending on the type of load switch the operating mode of the alarm relay can be set to N/O operation or N/C operation


  • High-resistance grounded installations with a limited fault current of 5…25 A
  • Mining applications

Optional Accessories for RC48N

Type designationArt.-No.
Remote alarm indicator and operator panelB94071001
Type designationArt.-No.
CD1000 Coupling device, AC 0…1000 VB98039010
CD5000 Coupling device, AC 0…5000 VB98039011
Residual current transformer, 70 mmB911777
Residual current transformer, 105 mmB911778

Downloads for RC48N

UKCA - RC48 CE Declarations of Conformity 121.6 KB 2024/04/2626.04.2024
RC48 CE Declarations of Conformity 87.5 KB 2024/04/2626.04.2024
RC48N Manuals 539.4 KB EN2024/03/0101.03.2024D00426
RC48N Manual (US) Manuals 1.3 MB EN2019/08/1616.08.2019
RC48N Application Notes (US) Technical Information 299.9 KB EN2019/09/2020.09.2019
System Grounding in the Americas, Australia, South Africa and Other Regions Application Brochures 576.7 KB EN2019/05/1313.05.2019
Guideline on NGR/Safety Ground Monitoring Technical Information 234.7 KB EN2019/09/2020.09.2019
NGRM500 Retrofit Guide (US) Technical Information 1.3 MB EN2021/02/1010.02.2021

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