Isolated Power Panels

Bender's standard hospital panel provides isolated power service and protection to operating rooms and other critical care areas designated as wet procedure locations. Designed in strict compliance with requirements including NFPA 99, NFPA 70, CSA Z32, UL 1047, and UL 1022, Bender isolated power panels offer the most up-to-date technology for all isolated power distribution requirements. Panels include:

  • Isolation transformer, rated to specified requirements
  • Primary circuit breaker
  • Eight (8) 2-pole circuit breakers, field expandable to 16
  • LIM2010 line isolation monitor

A wide range of additional features and options are available, including:

  • Provision(s) for receptacles and/or ground jacks
  • Circuit control via PLC
  • Integrated ground fault location system
  • Transformer load monitoring
  • Remote communication with standalone web server or automation integration


All backboxes are fabricated from minimum 14GA galvanized steel. Surface mounted  en-closures are finished with a coat of hospital ivory baked enamel or equivalent.

Front Trim

Manufactured from minimum 14GA type 304 stainless steel with #4 brushed finish, the front trim contains a door with hidden hinges and a flush mounted key lock covering the loadcenter. A flush mounted front trim extends 1“ on all sides of the backbox. For  surface-mounted panel boards, the front trim has the same dimensions as the enclosure. 

Isolation Transformer

Isolation transformers are available with various primary and secondary single-phase volt-ages. See ordering information for available primary and secondary voltages.

Line Isolation Monitor

The BENDER LIM2010 series Line Isolation Monitor provides both digital and analog  displays. The LIM is available with readouts and response values of 2 mA or 5 mA. The LIM2010 utilizes a unique measuring principle and is capable of detecting all combinations of capacitive and resistive faults, including balanced, unbalanced, and hybrid faults. A  self-test and self-calibration function is included. 

The LIM2010 can monitor for additional alarms, including over- and undervoltage, load monitoring, over-temperature, and more. The LIM2010 may be combined with an installed BENDER EDS series module to create a ground fault location system. For more information, refer to the LIM2010 technical bulletin (document number NAE2022010).


The loadcenter is an integral part of isolated power panels. Included is a primary circuit breaker which provides protection for the isolation transformer. All isolated power panels may be configured with either plug-in (snap-in) or bolt-on branch circuit breakers.

View Dual Voltage Panels 

View Dual System Panels

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Isolated Power Panels
Isolated Power Panels
[Translate to Canadian English:] Available on
Isolated Power Panels
[Translate to Canadian English:] Available on

Bender's standard hospital panel provides isolated power service and protection to operating rooms and other critical care areas designated as wet procedure locations. Designed in strict compliance with requirements including NFPA 99, NFPA 70, CSA Z32, UL 1047, and UL 1022, Bender isolated power panels offer the most up-to-date technology for all isolated power distribution requirements. Panels include:

  • Isolation transformer, rated to specified requirements
  • Primary circuit breaker
  • Eight (8) 2-pole circuit breakers, field expandable to 16
  • LIM2010 line isolation monitor

A wide range of additional features and options are available, including:

  • Provision(s) for receptacles and/or ground jacks
  • Circuit control via PLC
  • Integrated ground fault location system
  • Transformer load monitoring
  • Remote communication with standalone web server or automation integration


All backboxes are fabricated from minimum 14GA galvanized steel. Surface mounted  en-closures are finished with a coat of hospital ivory baked enamel or equivalent.

Front Trim

Manufactured from minimum 14GA type 304 stainless steel with #4 brushed finish, the front trim contains a door with hidden hinges and a flush mounted key lock covering the loadcenter. A flush mounted front trim extends 1“ on all sides of the backbox. For  surface-mounted panel boards, the front trim has the same dimensions as the enclosure. 

Isolation Transformer

Isolation transformers are available with various primary and secondary single-phase volt-ages. See ordering information for available primary and secondary voltages.

Line Isolation Monitor

The BENDER LIM2010 series Line Isolation Monitor provides both digital and analog  displays. The LIM is available with readouts and response values of 2 mA or 5 mA. The LIM2010 utilizes a unique measuring principle and is capable of detecting all combinations of capacitive and resistive faults, including balanced, unbalanced, and hybrid faults. A  self-test and self-calibration function is included. 

The LIM2010 can monitor for additional alarms, including over- and undervoltage, load monitoring, over-temperature, and more. The LIM2010 may be combined with an installed BENDER EDS series module to create a ground fault location system. For more information, refer to the LIM2010 technical bulletin (document number NAE2022010).


The loadcenter is an integral part of isolated power panels. Included is a primary circuit breaker which provides protection for the isolation transformer. All isolated power panels may be configured with either plug-in (snap-in) or bolt-on branch circuit breakers.

View Dual Voltage Panels 

View Dual System Panels

Questions? Contact us!


  • Single-phase isolation transformer
  • Bender LIM2010 Line Isolation Monitor (LIM)
  • Reference ground bus
  • Primary circuit breaker
  • Branch circuit breakers (Qty. 8 standard, field-convertable up to 16)
  • Provision(s) for receptacles and/or ground jacks
  • Circuit control via PLC
  • Integrated Fault Location
  • Transformer Load Monitoring


  • Bender Isolated Power Panels are designed to provide isolated power to electrical systems in operating rooms and other critical areas.
  • Designed in strict compliance with CEC 200-24, CSA Z32, UL 1047, UL 1022, and UL 50, BENDER isolated power panels offer the most up-to-date technology for all isolated power distribution requirements.

Isolated Power Panels Variant(s)

Please see datasheet for further information!

Optional Accessories for Isolated Power Panels

Please see datasheet for further information!

Downloads for Isolated Power Panels

Isolated Power Panels (US) Datasheets 6.6 MB EN2019/05/1313.05.2019
Isolated Power Panels (US) Manuals 4.6 MB EN2020/06/1111.06.2020
Isolated Power Planning Guide (US) Market Segment Brochures 3.8 MB EN2024/03/1212.03.2024
Modular Isolated Power Panels Ordering Information Guide (US) Datasheets 1.8 MB EN2025/02/2626.02.2025
Isolated Power Systems Equipment Specs. (US) Technical Information 49.0 KB EN2021/07/2222.07.2021
Healthcare Isolated Power Systems Catalog (US) Market Segment Brochures 6.5 MB EN2020/09/3030.09.2020

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