Current Transformers

Bender has a range of current transformers for load currents (operating currents) and residual currents (RCM). Different designs cover a variety of installation situations and metrological requirements, and enable retrofitting. 

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CT Sizing Calculator

Approximate Wire Outside Diameter In.(mm)
Size (AWG/MCM)THW/THHW/TW Insulation (In./mm)TFN/THHN/TWWN Insulation (In./mm)Uninsulated Conductors Range Min (In./mm)Uninsulated Conductors Range Max (In./mm)
24 AWG0.059 (1.5)0.088 (2.2)0.020 (0.5)0.024 (0.6)
22 AWG0.066 (1.7)0.094 (2.4)0.025 (0.6)0.031 (0.8)
20 AWG0.071 (1.8)0.101 (2.6)0.032 (0.8)0.038 (1.0)
18 AWG0.084 (2.1)0.111 (2.8)0.040 (1.0)0.049 (1.2)
16 AWG0.096 (2.4)0.124 (3.1)0.051 (1.3)0.060 (1.5)
14 AWG0.111 (2.8)0.133 (3.4)0.064 (1.6)0.073 (1.9)
12 AWG0.130 (3.3)0.152 (3.9)0.081 (2.1)0.095 (2.4)
10 AWG0.164 (4.2)0.176 (4.5)0.102 (2.6)0.116 (2.9)
8 AWG0.216 (5.5)0.236 (6.0)0.128 (3.3)0.146 (3.7)
6 AWG0.254 (6.5)0.304 (7.7)0.162 (4.1)0.184 (4.7)
4 AWG0.324 (8.2)0.352 (8.9)0.204 (5.2)0.232 (5.9)
3 AWG0.352 (8.9)0.380 (9.7)0.229 (5.8)0.260 (6.6)
2 AWG0.384 (9.8)0.420 (10.7)0.258 (6.6)0.292 (7.4)
1 AWG0.446 (11.3)0.492 (12.5)0.289 (7.3)0.332 (8.4)
1/00.486 (12.3)0.532 (13.5)0.325 (8.3)0.373 (9.5)
2/00.532 (13.5)0.578 (14.7)0.365 (9.3)0.418 (10.6)
3/00.584 (14.8)0.630 (16.0)0.410 (10.4)0.470 (11.9)
4/00.642 (16.3)0.688 (17.5)0.460 (11.7)0.528 (13.4)
250 MCM0.711 (18.1)0.765 (19.4)0.500 (12.7)0.575 (14.6)
300 MCM0.766 (19.5)0.820 (20.8)0.548 (13.9)0.630 (16.0)
350 MCM0.817 (20.8)0.871 (22.1)0.592 (15.0)0.681 (17.3)
400 MCM0.864 (21.9)0.918 (23.3)0.633 (16.1)0.728 (18.5)
500 MCM0.949 (24.1)1.003 (25.5)0.707 (18.0)0.813 (20.7)
600 MCM1.051 (26.7)1.113 (28.3)0.775 (19.7)0.893 (22.7)
700 MCM1.122 (28.5)1.184 (30.1)0.837 (21.3)0.964 (24.5)
750 MCM1.156 (29.4)1.218 (30.9)0.866 (22.0)0.998 (25.3)
800 MCM1.188 (30.2)1.250 (31.8)0.894 (22.7)1.031 (26.2)
900 MCM1.252 (31.8)1.314 (33.4)0.949 (24.1)1.093 (27.8)
1000 MCM1.310 (33.3)1.372 (34.8)1.000 (25.4)1.152 (29.3)
1250 MCM----1.539 (39.1)1.121 (28.5)1.289 (32.7)
1500 MCM----1.662 (42.2)1.228 (31.2)1.412 (35.9)
1750 MCM----1.776 (45.1)1.327 (33.7)1.526 (38.8)
2000 MCM----1.882 (47.8)1.419 (36.0)1.632 (41.5)

There is no required time interval for calibration. However, we recommend performing an offset calibration if the CT has been moved (this calibration procedure only applies to the CTBC series). While not mandatory, testing your circuit every few months is a good practice to ensure proper operation and system health. Also, remember that the ground conductor should never pass through the CT!